Lote 2


HAKLUYT, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoverier of the English Nation made by Sea or Overland to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any Time within the Compass of these 1600 Years. With an introduction by John Masefield. London & Toronto, J.M. Dutton, 1927/28, 10 volumes, 20,5 x 13,5cm., 1927/28, 10 volumes, 10,5 x 13,5cm., 80 ilustrações e 140 retratos, pranchas e mapas. Ligeiramente manchado. Enc. original em tela, alguns pequenos defeitos.


Visitas: 487

Tipo: Livros

HAKLUYT, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoverier of the English Nation made by Sea or Overland to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any Time within the Compass of these 1600 Years. With an introduction by John Masefield. London & Toronto, J.M. Dutton, 1927/28, 10 volumes, 20,5 x 13,5cm., 1927/28, 10 volumes, 10,5 x 13,5cm., 80 ilustrações e 140 retratos, pranchas e mapas. Ligeiramente manchado. Enc. original em tela, alguns pequenos defeitos.

